Welcome to the Website of FDPC Ltd. We are a 'Home Office Approved' target shooting club, situated in the town of Shepton Mallet, approximately 20 miles south of Bristol, England.
The Club was established in 1973, and has grown to be one of the best shooting clubs in the south-west. We pride ourselves on being a very active club and members participate at all levels of the sport from Club, through County, to National / International events. We even have a number of GB squad members in our ranks.
We shoot most forms of target sports, including Full-bore, Small-bore (inc Benchrest), Gallery Rifle, Muzzle Loaders / Black Powder, Shotgun / PSG, Airsoft (Action Air) and Air Pistols. There are a variety of disciplines including Practical; the club has access to excellent facilities in which to enjoy all of these events.
We have circa 280 members, drawn from all areas of the region and varied in both terms of age, gender and occupation. We often have vacancies for new members who can demonstrate the necessary attributes to join the club. If you are interested in joining us please contact us - details are in the Membership tab.
Please take time to visit all areas of the site and feel free to send me an e-mail, telling me what you think and how I might improve it.





13th /14th Action Air match Build
15th / 16th - Action Air Match @ Anglo
17th - Induction Night at Anglo
18th - Practical Practice @ Anglo