The club hosts and runs a number of competitions throughout the year, in a wide range of disciplines. ‘Closed’ events, used to determine the Club Championships, are usually limited to FDPC members, although invited FAC holders may sometimes compete, but are excluded from the club prizes.
‘Open’ competitions are just that – open to all club members, and other FAC holders. These tend to be the larger national events, such as the Western Winner 1500, the Rimfire Festival and a range of practical events that we run from time to time.
Each of the Club Championships events are matches in there own right, with prizes, and (if there are enough entries) are run in more that one division. There are also a number of club trophies, either associated to a single match, or awarded to an aggregate of two or more matches.
Click on the buttons below to see what competitions we run and their respective courses of fire (COF). As disciplines develop, and the popularity of events wax and wane, some matches may change. However, in most cases, we try to shoot events that reflect the popular national trends and use, wherever possible, the national rules, regulations, targets and courses of fire.
Don't be put off by 'Competitions' !! - it's all straight forward and plenty of help is on hand ! Also, the club holds firearms (the 'Club Guns') for all competitions that we shoot - available to all members.

13th /14th Action Air match Build
15th / 16th - Action Air Match @ Anglo
17th - Induction Night at Anglo
18th - Practical Practice @ Anglo