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Membership - Costs

There are a number of categories of membership with associated costs; see the table attached. 

All categories of membership (except Provisionals) have full rights and status to vote at AGM / EGM meetings. A more comprehensive description of the membership rules can be found in the Membership Annex of the Constitution.

The membership year runs 1st Oct to 30th Sept (i.e. for 12 months, then renewing after 12 months).

All membership rates are determined by the Committee and are calculated as a percentage of the 'Base rate' for that period. For the period up to the end of the 2024/25 membership year, the base rate remains at £175.


In line with the FDPC Constitution, failure to renew on time will result in membership being terminated, and the relevant authorities informed. If a lapsed member subsequently wishes to re-join the Club within 12 months, they will be required to pay the full 12-month period along with an administration fee (Joining Fee). Please note that it is your responsibility to renew before the end of the current membership year (30th September).


All members (inc. Life) must complete an annual renewal form, issued by the membership secretary in about August each year. Failure to renew Life membership after 7 years will mean termination of membership and benefits. 


Fees can be paid by BACS transfer – bank details are included on the annual membership renewal forms. Payment by cash and cheque is also accepted but BACS is preferred. (Download latest renewal form here)


Upcoming Events

  • 24th - Practical Practice @ Anglo

  • 27th - Action Air Practice @ Anglo

  • 8th Mar - UKPSA Course @ Anglo

  • 9th - Sporting Rifle Match Bul A


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