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Competitions - Results (Practical)

NRA MR Practical - 24th / 25th Feb 2024.   Full Results HERE

Action Air Match - 10th / 11th Feb 24
Full Results here.

NRA Practical (2nd / 3rd Dec 2023)

Full Results HERE 

Action Air match - 4th / 5th Nov 23

Full Results

NRA Practical (4th / 5th March 2023)

Full Results HERE

Action Air Match - 18/19th Feb 23

Full Results here.



  • NRA Practical Match - 10th / 11th Dec 2022 - Full Results.... HERE

  • NRA Practical Match - 17th / 18th Sept 2022 - Full Results HERE

  • PSG Match - 30th April 2022 - Results

NRA Minirifle and LBP practical match (26/27th Feb 2022)

Minirifle Open:

1st: Kelvin Leaton

2nd: Jim Starley

3rd: Tom Ellaway


Minirifle Standard:

1st: Abyl Kaium


LBP Open:

1st: Tim Gardener

2nd: Justin Cooper

3rd: David Ashcroft


LBP Standard:

1st: David Ashcroft

2nd: Timer Gardener

3rd: James Harris


Full Results HERE


Action Air match - 12th / 13th Feb 2022

Results are here

Practical Mini-Rifle - 10/11/12th Dec 2021

So that'it for our NRA Practical matches for 2021. We finished the year off in style with a Black tie event ! Congratulations to Team Ducker for taking the overall win, Jim Starley Shooting for a close Second and Kelvin Leaton for a tightly fought 3rd place!

Results are up here. Thanks to those who make these matches possible and give up their free time to design, set up and run the stages, See you on the line in 2022.  Tom (Match Director)

Practical Mini-Rifle - 18th / 19th Sept 2021

Another great weekends NRA Practical match at Anglo. Thanks to all those who came and shot. Thanks to the members who help put it on and sweep up the 8000 odd brass from the last two days.

Congrats to Ben Ducker on the Overall win!

See you all in December for the last match of the year!

  Results on Practiscore

PSG - 24th July 2021

Full results are at

PSG - 29th May 2021






PSG Match  - 31st Oct 2020.

More detailed breakdown of stages available at ....

Practical 15/16 May

Key Results (



  1. Ben Ducker

  2. Kelvin Leaton

  3. Tom Ellaway


Red Dot

  1. James Harris

  2. Tom Samples

  3. Josif Cooper


Top Senior / Super Senior – John Thorne

Practical 5/6th Dec 2020.

More detailed breakdown of stages available at ..

Top 10 places are :


NRA Practical Mini-Rifle (9th - 11th Oct 2020)

Full results are here -, headlines for FDPC members are;


  • Top Rifle Red Dot (& winner overall) – Mike H

  • 2nd Rifle Telescopic – Tom

  • 3rd Rifle Red Dot – Tomasz

  • Top Pistol - Rob

  • Top Super Senior – Dave H

  • Top Lady – Alison

  • RO’s award – Ed (for getting zero on his own crazy stage)

  • Matt E – 17th at his first match


The next NRA Practical match (Pistol and Rifle) is 5th / 6th Dec 2020. Register at  : –

PSG Match  - 26th Sept 2020.

More detailed breakdown of stages available at ....


PSG Match  - 22nd Aug 2020.

More detailed breakdown of stages at :  


Upcoming Events

  • 18th Action Air Practice @ Anglo

  • 22nd- Practical Practice  @ Anglo

  • 28th - Club Match MT & PhA  (Hendy)


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