About FDPC - Club Management
The club is managed on a day to day basis by the Committee, on behalf of the members. The committee ensures the club remains legal, manages the finances, books ranges and arranges competitions. It also ensures club guns and ammo are available for use, obtains targets and other consumables, provides a news feed and manages the membership process.
The committee meets monthly to address normal business that falls within it's delegated powers. Any member can attend a committee meeting by appointment - just speak to the Secretary to arrange it.
The underlying principles of the club management are captured in the Constitution. This is a formal document that can only be changed by the consent of the membership at the AGM (or an EGM).There are other guidelines, range rules and standing policies that the committee will enforce, to ensure the club remains legal, viable and safe for all members, guests and other visitors.
The committee (via the Membership Secretary) manages all applications, renewals and terminations of membership. This includes acting as a liaison officer with the local Police to ensure we meet our legal requirements with regard our members and their attendance at the ranges. The Secretary will also ensure the club has adequate insurance and maintains appropriate affiliations to National shooting bodies.
Any full member can be proposed to stand for a committee post - although it would be expected that they should have suitable experience, maturity and competence to carry out the role they are being proposed for. It is therefore likely that prospective committee members should be regular adult shooters "of good standing" , with at least 2-3 years full membership of the club (although this is for guidance only).
All posts are contested for at the AGM - normally run in February annually. The committee may also co-opt members to the committee on a temporary basis to fulfil specific tasks / roles. The appointment should then either be end-dated or subsequently endorsed as permanent, by the AGM.
You can contact the committee at any range date, or via e-mail to committee@fdpc.co.uk
Committee Members for 2024
President: Ashley Dagger
Chairman: Graham Mason
Treasurer: Barry Morgan
Club Secretary: Peter Haigh
Membership Secretary: Peter Haigh
Training & Firearms Safety : Mike Taylor
Open (Practical) Comps: Tom Ellaway
Home Range Officer: Steven Bailey
Military Ranges Officer: Peter Ashton
Marketing Officer: Dale Collinson
Recruitment Officer: Fraser Kerr
The roles of Chairman, Club Secretary and Treasurer are also Directors of FDPC Ltd.
20th - Practical Practice at Anglo
23rd - Action Air Practice @ Anglo
25th - GR Practice at Anglo (09:30)