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The Carbine (GRCF) Multi-Target Competition (Previous Results)
Firearm - Any pistol calibre carbine (i.e. 38/357; 44; 9mm – not 7.62 or 223 !), inc LBR. Any Sights. No bipods, slings or other artificial supports. 24 rounds required.
Target - Two x DP1 Targets
Scoring - Breaking line to count as higher score. Ties resolved on count-back of X’s, 5’s 4’s etc.
Procedure - Start position for all stages – gun 45 deg to ground. Shooting is all standing unsupported.
At 25M – 6 shots, on the L/H target, in 15 secs.
At 20M – 3 shots, on each target, in 10 secs.
At 15M – 2 shot per 3 sec exp x 3, at R/H target
At 10M – 3 shots, on each target, in 8 secs.
DP1 Target

The "Service" Aggregate Trophy
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