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The Carbine (GRCF) Practical Competition (Previous Results)
Firearm - Any pistol calibre carbine (i.e. 38/357; 44; 9mm – not 7.62 or 223 !), inc LBR. Any Sights. No bipods, slings or other artificial supports.
Target - Various - IPSC Paper, Skittles, Clays. Plus No-shoot (Red) penalty targets.
Scoring - Usually comstock (score / time). Paper targets usually require 2 hits; Reactive targets must fall to count (5 points per target). No-shoots / misses / procedurals all incur –10 points penalty.
Procedure -
Stages to be described on the day, but may include speed shoots; field stages; RH & LH shooting; Barricades; El-Pres. etc. Timing by shotwatch. 3-4 stages, requiring approx 50-60 rounds.

IPSC Paper

The Practical Aggregate Trophy
Donated by Picton Printing
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