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The Muzzle Loading 'Classic' T&P1 Competition (Previous Results)
Firearm - Any Muzzle Loading Revolver, with ball .30 inch, or larger. Any propellant is allowed. Fixed or adjustable open iron sights only (no scopes / dots). 30 Rounds Required
Target - Three x DP2 T&P Targets
Scoring - Breaking line to count as higher score. Ties resolved on count-back of X’s, 10’s 9’s etc. Return to ready (45 deg) position between exposures.
Procedure -
At 25M – 12 shots in 12 minutes, to include mid-point reload – Standing unsupported.
At 15M - 12 shots - Standing unsupported. One shot per 2 second exposure x 12
At 10M - 6 shots - Standing unsupported. Two shots per 4 second exposure x 3
The Muzzle Loading Aggregate Trophy - Donated in Memory of Pete Nelson
DP2 Target

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